Quick view Basilius Besler: The Garden at Eichstatt MSRP: Now: $200.00 Was: The 367 exquisite hand-colored plates of the Hortus Eystettensis, published in 1613 with elaborate descriptions to record the palatial gardens in Eichstätt, Bavaria, were a landmark in botanical illustration. This facsimile edition, featuring... MSRP: Now: $200.00 Was: Quick view
On Sale Quick view Vine of the Soul: Medicine Men, Their Plants and Rituals in the Colombian Amazonia MSRP: Now: $11.99 Was: $29.95 Vine of the Soul is an exceptional photographic essay accompanied by detailed descriptions of the Amazonians' use of medicinal and other sacred plant substances. Over 160 documentary photos, some of the most significant ever taken on the subject, bring... MSRP: Now: $11.99 Was: $29.95 Quick view
On Sale Quick view Little Green Fingers: Easy Peasy Gardening Activities MSRP: Now: $9.99 Was: $24.95 The followup to the much-loved Easy Peasy, Little Green Fingers is packed full of even more fun gardening activities for children! The followup to the much-loved Easy Peasy, Little Green Fingers is packed full of even more fun gardening activities for... MSRP: Now: $9.99 Was: $24.95 Quick view
Quick view Vincent Van Gogh: Healing Power of Nature MSRP: Now: $16.95 Was: 'Sometimes I long so much to do landscape, just as one would for a long walk to refresh oneself, and in all of nature, in trees for instance, I see expression and a soul.' Vincent van Gogh saw nature and art as inseparably linked. In The Healing Power... MSRP: Now: $16.95 Was: Quick view
On Sale Quick view Easy Peasy Gardening for Kids MSRP: Now: $7.99 Was: $19.95 An introduction to easy gardening so you can grow everywhere and anywhere. Whether you live in the city or the countryside, there are plenty of places you can plant and grow. For a new generation of green fingers there are different ways to bring nature... MSRP: Now: $7.99 Was: $19.95 Quick view
Quick view Florilegium: The Book of Plants MSRP: Now: $25.00 Was: In 367 exquisite plates, this treasure of botanical literature records the flowers of the palatial grounds at Eichstätt, Bavaria, once some of the most beautiful gardens in history. The illustrations are organized by season and, following the... MSRP: Now: $25.00 Was: Quick view